
Hello again! I hope you enjoyed last week’s tiptoe into the Nelson Hill origin story. Naturally, it all began with a deep-rooted love of the game. So this week, let’s dive into the ideation phase. Why I started and of course, where the idea came from.

The Original / Edition No.001

The Original / Edition No.001

Roughly 10 years ago while playing golf with some buddies I became frustrated with my golf bag, which was pretty common during the course of any given round. Clubs get stuck. Straps can be finicky. And flimsy construction doesn’t hold up well, obviously. During that round way back when I casually mentioned that I thought I could design one better. That statement naturally received multiple “sure man” comments alongside some healthy ribbing. In their defense, that is exactly what I would have said had I been on the other end of the bargain.

The idea never left me though. So for many years I would take my golf bag into my dad’s shop (he had way more tools) and mess around with it until I thought I had it “fixed”. Of course I was never quite done with it. Cheap construction wears out quickly, which leads to needing a new bag, which leads to new trouble spots. After a few years of that cycle I came to realize that there was nothing I could do to my mass market bags that would truly fix what I was after. I was looking for something that didn’t exist within what all my current bags could offer. It was at that point when I finally picked up a sketchpad and put pen to paper.

Original design process photos!

Original design process photos!

As I mentioned last week, the idea of relationships within my golf world has become a dominant theme for me, yet I had no real relationship with my golf bag. It was simply a sack that carried my clubs. Most golfers can attest to the fact that our golf clubs have a near spiritual connection to us. Not that we aren’t willing to replace them from time to time, but in the way that they remind us of fresh air. The simple thought of them can provide a brief escape to the outdoors and the fresh air that comes with it. Honestly, the sheer thought of my golf clubs can be meditative in a sense.

So when I sat there many years ago first trying to dictate my original bag design, I knew I wanted to create the same connection with my golf bag that I had with my clubs. Something that made me feel better when I held it. Something I could carry down a city street and be at home with. Something with a pride of ownership so that when you see it, you know you have something special. I quickly came to realize that could only be accomplished through a design that encapsulated the artistic flair of the game, the creative expression of those who play it, and a craftsmanship that could stand the test of time.

Photography: Haik Kavookjian

Photography: Haik Kavookjian

If you’ve seen one of our limited editions thus far I’m sure you’ll agree that we nailed everything we were going for. I’ll cover the creation process over the next couple weeks but in the next installment, I’ll dig into the first few start-up stages where prototyping really got its sea legs. Without the help of many UMKC professors and experiences that ensued, taking this adventure from 0 to 1 would have been nearly impossible. It was still daunting at the time, but so worth it now that I look back. It’s a story I’m really looking forward to telling as there are lots of kudos that are long overdue. Until then, stay safe and be well!

Best // Eric